Friday, August 26, 2016

Keeping up with all those picture cues!

It is the beginning of the year, and my plan is to be organized!  It will last for maybe two weeks, but I can hope right?  One of the most difficult things to keep organized are my picture cues for PECS, visual schedules, and activities. One of the most organized people I know, Brittany Clark, let me share her organization tool.

Here is an example of how she organizes her core vocabulary words.  
Each category located in the notebook is identified by color.  For example if you are looking for food cues you would go to the blue pages.  You can also make pages for specific activities that you do during the year.  For example,  your notebook could have 100 day snack page.  Brittany is a fabulous SLP.  She has many ideas and activities to share on her blog.  Please go visit her at

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