Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Make it Take it

I went to a wonderful Make it Take it session today given by Alli Upchurch at South Carolina Assistive Technology Project.  She shared with us some wonderful ideas on how to take simple items around the house and use them for Assistive Technology devices for students with disabilities.  Here are a few of the ideas shared today. 
Here is a simple mug from the Dollar store that you can use daily during snack time.  We inserted choices for drinks that the child may request during snack time.  
Do you have a child that has trouble turning pages independently?  Alli shared the idea to add velcro on each page of the book.  You can turn the page by using a Wiffle ball with velcro attached to help the pages turn a little easier for students with fine motor difficulties.  
Alli showed the group how to make puzzles accessible to students with fine motor weaknesses by adding small grasp with a glue gun to each piece of the puzzle.  For wooden puzzles, they suggested using a drill to insert the wooden grasp. 
Have you ever played a card game and the student had trouble holding his cards?  Here is a great way to use something around the house to solve that problem.  It is simply an ice cube tray flipped over. Insert your cards and you are ready to play!
Do you have students that don't want to participate in writing or drawing centers? Here is an idea that might inspire them.  

These are just a few of the ideas shared today.  Stay tuned for the next post when I will show you how we made our own switches from scratch!  

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