Tuesday, December 6, 2016

"Baking" in the speech room!

It's going to be a fun day in the speech room! Mrs. Britt has a baking sheet, cinnamon, nutmeg, cookie cutters, and play doh! Wait, did you say play-doh?  I sure did! Today, we are using our imaginations and baking some gingerbread cookies.  First, we took white play-doh and sprinkled nutmeg and cinnamon "on" top.  (Did I mention that our core word for the month is on?) The kids were able to tell me if the smells were yummy or yucky.  I will tell you that the cinnamon was much more popular than the nutmeg!  After mixing, the play-doh, the kids made their cookies.  They made their choices using a static board for different shape cookie cutters.  

The cookies are ready. The students put their cookies on the pan. 

Now, we need to bake our cookies!

When the cookies were "done", they were actually given real teddy grahams to eat. This activity was great for building MLU, and choice making.  Most of the kids enjoyed it so much, they asked to do it over and over again.  

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