Thursday, September 1, 2016

Google Add-ons

Today I learned about wonderful tool for those of us who use google on a daily basis.  Google add-ons allow you to do so many things with your google docs.  If you have never tried it, here is a quick guide on how to access google add-ons.
Here is what a normal google doc would look like.  Go to add-ons.
Scroll down to Get add-ons. 
A search engine will appear and you can look up all types of add-ons.  Here I was interested in making labels for my student's folders.  I located the avery label merge add-on, and hit add.  Most of these are FREE! After you hit install, you will then get a pop-up window explaining what privileges the add-on needs, and asking for permission to install it.  Finally, click the accept button to allow the add-on to install.
Now, you are ready to go.  Here I am using the extensis fonts add-on.  This allows you access to many more fonts for use in google docs.  Some other favorites that I think will be helpful to my kids are pupil pref, doc tools, texthelp study skills, mind meister, speech recognition, and Grackle talks.  If you haven't tried add-ons, put it on your to do list! You will be glad you did!

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