Thursday, September 8, 2016

No more sticker charts!

About 5 years ago, I became frustrated with the continuous cycle of buying sticker charts for behavior in the speech room.  I started to look for some alternative ways to manage behavior, and found Class Dojo.  This is a program designed for teachers that is very easy to use.
If you are a teacher, you can go to this web site and sign up for free!  Here is the link:  It will prompt you to set up your classes.  I normally had mine organized by groups. (ie.  first grade language,  second grade articulation, etc)  After you set up your groups, you can add students names into each folder.

Students are automatically given a little monster to go with their name once they are added to the list.  The kids love this.  I usually let them change their monster after they meet their goal.  This truly was an award within itself!
This is what the class looks like when you pull it up.  Now it is time to give some points!  Choose student's name, and a box will pop up with the different behaviors you would like to target.  These behaviors can be edited to suit the needs of the teacher.  I would like to target students walking in the hallway to speech, so I would add skill or edit one that is already there.  

Typically, I have 4 goals that I target.  Each student gets to go to the treat box when they get a total of 20 points.  Once the student has 20, we change the monster and start all over again.  This is a great tool to use in both the speech room and classroom.  I have to admit, I even used it with my own kids when they were little! Happy behavior managing!!

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